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$7.9 Million Surtax Funding for the Collier County Career and Technical Training Center

During the September 12, 2023, Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting, one of the consent agendas presented by County Manager Operations was a budget amendment of $7,965,000 from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Reserve Fund (3018) to fund the Career and Technical Training Center (CTTC). Collier County and the Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) are spearheading the development of this project for the intended purpose of housing the advanced manufacturing and other educational programs offered by the CCPS.

The CTTC was found to be eligible for the Surtax funding as the project meets the requirements of Section 212.055, Fla. Stat., which conforms to the definition of Infrastructure and is consistent with Ordinance No. 2018-21, as amended. Three project categories were included in the Ordinance: Transportation Projects, Facilities & Capital Replacements, and Community Priorities. The CTTC was proposed under the Community Priorities category.

On June 29, 2023, the Infrastructure Surtax Citizen’s Oversight Committee validated funding of $7,965,000 for the Career and Technical Training Center. However, the total estimated building costs, renovations, furniture, fixtures, and future operations were not presented, nor were the ongoing operations and maintenance costs that CCPS is expected to cover. A complete breakdown of the requested budget for the project is yet to be determined. The Sales Surtax was generated from our residents as well as Collier County visitors and tourists, and as such, payments to be made must be supported by appropriate documentation, which is not yet defined in the agreement. Ongoing operating costs are not part of eligible costs from the Infrastructure Surtax.

The proposed CTTC location is an existing 13,000 sq. ft building previously donated to the County at 4110 Golden Gate Pkwy. The building would have to undergo a complete renovation to be utilized for the Career and Technical Training Center. Since Collier County will be leasing this parcel to CCPS, this land will be removed from the tax rolls. This means that in addition to the Surtax funding, the taxable property base is negatively impacted. Despite not having a full plan of improvement and operation for the Center, funds are allocated for improvements.

The Clerk’s Office continues to encourage full scope planning and costing details PRIOR to allocating funds. This should include full cost estimates including operating costs into the future, as well as estimates of populations to be served. Assessment of adequate parking, adequate service space and accessibility of a facility should be outlined and publicly presented.