The Collier Risk Alert Notification Program is now exempt from public records disclosure. We are once again extending our invitation to the community to sign up for this free service.
On May 6, 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 285, amending state statutes regarding the free notification programs offered by Florida Clerks. This amendment exempts from public record personal information, such as names, phone numbers, parcel ID numbers, and emails, are used for the Risk Alert program. This new law protects the privacy of the citizens who sign up for the notification service.
During many of our community outreach programs, Collier citizens have expressed concerns about protecting their contact information from public records searches. It has been a significant challenge in advancing our Risk Alert Notification Program. This new law will protect their information and help combat fraud for all our residents.
The Risk Alert Notification Program is our free anti-fraud program that allows registered users to easily monitor their property records and report suspicious activities that may lead to fraud. To register, visit and enter your email address to receive an email from the “Collier Clerk of Courts: Risk Alert” account that will include a link where you can complete your registration by adding party names and Official Records that you want to monitor. Once done with the registration, you will receive an email notification every time a new deed, lien, mortgage, or other land record is recorded that matches your selected criteria.
Although this service may not prevent the actual fraudulent activity from occurring, it provides the subscriber an opportunity to verify whether the activity was initiated by them or by a scammer committing fraud. We hope to combat fraudulent activities and safeguard the community with this program.