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Hurricane Hardening – Infrastructure Sales Tax

More commonly known as the “one cent” tax, the infrastructure sales tax referendum included $15,000,000 for hurricane hardening of County facilities.  As the accountant and custodian of county funds, Clerk Kinzel wanted to share how your tax dollars have been allocated to resources that helped our community maintain and restore services following the storm.  

Validated projects to date include the following:  Emergency Services Center East Bay enclosure project, emergency generator power at wastewater pump stations, and installation of emergency generators at the North County Regional Park and the Immokalee Sports Complex. 

In April 2019, the Infrastructure Sales Surtax Citizens Oversight Committee (Oversight Committee) initially validated the estimated design and construction costs for the Emergency Services Center East Bay project at $1,500,000.  On September 7, 2022, the validated amount was increased to the revised project cost estimate of $2,402,979. The BCC just awarded a construction contract for this project to Waypoint Contracting, Inc. on October 11, 2022.   

On April 3, 2019, the Oversight Committee validated the installation of emergency generator back-up systems for thirty-two critical wastewater pump stations at an estimated project cost of $3,500,000.   This included 18 portable generators (Phase 1 cost estimate – $1,050,000) and 14 permanent generators (Phase 2 cost estimate – $2,450,000).  The 18 portable generators were procured, received, and were operationally ready for emergency power outages.  These generators were deployed during Hurricane Ian.  However, the Phase 2 cost estimate for the permanent generators was approximately two years old and the revised cost estimate was $3,600,000.  On March 3, 2021, the Oversight Committee validated the additional $1,150,000 for the permanent generators.  The BCC awarded a design-build contract for Phase 2 of this project on June 8, 2021. 

On February 5, 2020, the Oversight Committee validated the $570,000 in proposed matching funds for the design and installation of permanent generators associated with the North Collier Regional Park and the Immokalee Sports Complex.  The initially proposed distribution of funds was as follows: 

The Board later (April/May 2021) approved amendments to adjust the grant awards and required matching funds to reflect increased costs of generators.   (See following table).  Due to increased costs, the North Collier Regional Park request was reduced from 3 generators to one generator.

The following table reflects the overall funding from the infrastructure sales tax for these projects:


Read The Clerk’s Report – Nov 2022

Hurricane Hardening and Infrastructure Tax

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