Robin Sheley and Sherri Wasson from our Office of Inspector General presented ‘Creating a Valuable Audit Plan’ during the 2023 Virtual Winter Conference held last March 1, 2023. This event was hosted by the Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers (FCCC) as part of the Clerks of Court education program, with the theme of “Treasuring the Past, Charting the Course, and Building the Future.”
The presentation started with an overview of audit plans and how to effectively write one. It also highlighted the process of designing, executing, and updating an audit plan. To further engage attendees, the presentation included interactive polls that are relevant to the topics being discussed.
With more than 70 in attendance around the state, the presentation received great praise. The majority “found the presentation to be well-organized with a clear objective and useful for their jobs” while the presenters were applauded for being engaging, well-spoken, and knowledgeable of the topic. The overall session was found to be highly effective.
Kudos to Robin and Sherri for a fantastic presentation!